Wednesday, June 2, 2021

 Attempting again to break free of the Zuck-o-verse, this time back in Oregon. I see that it's been over a year since i blogged. There was this greatly disturbing event in the force which shook the whole planet. COVID19.  Masks, quarantines, disinformation and general mayhem. I also cut off the orange hair. I'm still an orange tabby at heart though.

So instead of writing my first essay of the day on Facebook, it's going to go here. I'll put a link on the other think so you can find me. I find myself wasting too much time over there. They designed it like that. I quit drinking, i can quit Facebook. Or at least put it in it's place, like the one beer with friends at a cafe, rather than all day scrolling and an IPA at noon to start the day off right.... and the rest of the 6-pack to keep the evening flowing..... as long as you're not dead, it's not too late to change.

Diahreea of the mind and body