Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Straining at the bonds of habit

 Once again we dust off the furniture and turn on the lights here at meowblah3!

 Back in the Singer-Songwriter era, this was where i stopped every morning or so to offload some thoughts for the other cats to shred and roll on. Then Facebook became a daily brain suck as well as a place to get some instant gratification. People are reading and reacting! I must Post more, I must Friend! I must Like and Share! Sure i got sucked in! It's about words! I have no social life! I've learned how to Block and Unfollow

People used to like my blog as well.  The glancing blows of Facebook engagement may be more biggerized and numerous in terms of "hits" but the quality of hits here is different. People actually come to read and think, i'm not just a stop on the scroll wheel of tired memes and political arguing. Snooze that shit.

So again, i whack myself repeatedly and with vigor: Zuckerberg does not deserve to use my well-written, chewy content for free to drum up eyeballs on his ad-riddled algorithms. TR's going to throw some content at the wall here and see if it still sticks. I've lost some of my best readers because they don't do Facebook. I'm going to join them.

This is where i write now.